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Blog: Blog2

be a good one 3.4.19

Has anyone empowered you?

What did that feel like when someone empowered you or believed in you and your abilities?

What if we could help others feel and be empowered because we chose to purchase their product or give to the organization that is uplifting them?

Companies like Elegantees, World Finds, Citizen & Darling, and Eleventh candles are all doing radical things to let people know that they are valued, worthy, and deserve a life full of possibilities and dreams that come true.

If our daily acts of getting coffee in the mornings, running errands, work-related activities, (etc) were intentional with the people around us, how would our lives and those around us change?

If you are going to be a consumer, be a good one. The truth is, you and I are both consumers. We cannot help it.

If the way we consumed material things reflected the kind of people we want to be- I think most of us would shop differently and think about it more.

Fast fashion and fast food is easy, convenient, and cheap. I do not want to be a person who thrives on whatever is easy, convenient, and cheap. I want to be intentional, I wans to spread goodness & kindness, and I want to empower people- even if I never come into contact with them.

Do compelling things, go on adventures, live a life worth sharing about (and I am not talking social media). Impact communities in the best ways, do your part as a citizen of humanity, and be thankful for every breath you have.

I am mainly writing to myself here as I have recently been living out of routine and less out of intentional interactions and growth through thankfulness. I have to remind myself what matters in the long run… that is PEOPLE. Of course lots of things matter, but my journey started from looking outside of myself and into the lives of people who need help and how my daily purchases can change things for them.

How can your daily routines change not only your own life, but the lives of people around you, and the people around the globe?

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