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  • goodforthought

difference makers 8.3.18

The world of ethical shopping is not necessarily a trend… yet. Being a dedicated conscious consumer is inconvenient, takes research, and it can change your life as much as it changes the peoples whose lives are impacted by the manufacturing of the products that are bought. People ask me if it actually makes a difference in the world, and the answer is YES.

When I detain myself from indulging at common department stores or in the fast fashion taking place around us, not only does it mean that one less person is throwing their money at people becoming wealthy at the expense of others, but it helps me to think harder about my purchases and to whom my money is going.

When I purchase something from a fair-trade company or local crafter, I know that my money, even if only a little bit, is supporting those who might not have access to jobs to provide for themselves and their families. When I purchase with the ethics of humankind in my brain, I know that one more person is being taken care of in this unfair world. I live in a place where food, clothing, and stuff (that we do not necessarily) need is at our fingertips. This is not the case for everyone, not even close.

I would like to give them a chance.

WHO? The people who I might not be in direct contact with, those in other countries in urban and rural places, those with families to take care of, those being persecuted or abused, those who do not have a choice in how to live their lives, I want to give THEM the chance at a life with quality and joy.

I love local businesses and shopping “small” because I know that I am putting effort into my surroundings and encouraging the creativity and livelihood of my community. I love shopping fair trade because I know that people are being taken care of.

There is a business called Dunitz and Company that is making a difference in the lives of people in Guatemala. Dunitz & Company has been wholesaling to boutiques and museum shops for over 25 years. Recently they launched a retail site, – so people like me (and you) can now buy direct. This fair-trade business ensures that the artisans are being treated well and are able to provide for their families and communities by letting their creativity grow. Not only does it provide jobs, but Dunitz and Company gives back to that very community where the jewelry is crafted.

I have a discount code for 15% off for you to purchase from Dunitz and Company! It is EMMY15, you can use it until the end of August!!!

It is the companies like this that make a difference, and it is people like us who can help make that difference too. I am thankful for Dunitz & Company. #peoplematter

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